Montreal Summit 2022 Registration
Registration is now open! Registration fees will be waived for northern community residents with travel support provided for designated community representatives. Space is limited, we ask that government sends only the reps that are absolutely necessary for a successful outcome.
The 2022 Hudson Bay Summit will bring together Inuit and Cree community members, regional organizations and all levels of government from around Hudson Bay and James Bay to discuss environmental stewardship of the region, including progress made to date and future actions to be taken.
Over the course of three days, join us for a community roundtable and series of focused workshops designed to recognize the progress that has been made and chart the course for the Hudson Bay Consortium for the next 5-year period.
The 2022 Hudson Bay Summit will build on the success of the 2018 Summit, Regional Roundtables and Working Groups facilitated by the Hudson Bay Consortium. Discussions have previously identified a number of community priorities; the goal of the 2022 Summit is to discuss the actions needed to address these priorities, as well as the resources and training available to support these actions.
Keynote Speakers
We are honored to confirm the following distinguished representatives from across the region who will provide their welcoming addresses during the 2022 Summit:
Additional keynote speakers have been invited and we are awaiting confirmation.