
Influence of altered freshwater discharge on the seasonality of nutrient distributions near La Grande River, northeastern James Bay, Québec

September 20, 2024

Under-Ice Hydrography of the La Grande River Plume in Relation to a Ten-Fold Increase in Wintertime Discharge

September 28, 2022

Nunavik’s Insect and Spider Educational Kit

December 9, 2021

Eeyou Istchee Coastal Community Voices on Wildlife Research Priorities for the Eeyou Marine Region

October 14, 2020

Thank you hunters! Stay safe out there

April 3, 2020

SIKU Officially launches!

December 5, 2019

The Hudson Bay Consortium East Hudson Bay/James Bay Regional Roundtable (English)

September 15, 2019

2017 Annual Report: Support Program for Inuit Beneficiaries for their Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Activities

September 17, 2018

Français – Le Sommet de la Baie d’Hudson 2018 Rapport

March 15, 2018

Registration now open for the Hudson Bay Summit, Feb 27-Mar 1, 2018 in Montreal

December 1, 2017

2016 Annual Report: Support Program for Inuit Beneficiaries for their Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Activities

July 31, 2017

Jimmy Iqaluq on Inuit technology with SIKU

March 27, 2017

Teacher Lisi Kavik describes how SIKU will benefit northern education

March 10, 2017

The Arctic Eider Society 2015-2016 Annual Report

October 16, 2016

2015 Annual Report: Kativik Regional Government

July 31, 2016

Take a snowmobile with Google Maps to the sea ice habitats of the Arctic Eider duck

December 8, 2015

Implementing the East Hudson Bay Network a Huge Success!

March 3, 2015

The Hudson Bay Consortium Planning Meeting Report 2014

December 9, 2014

Arctic Eider Society honored by the Municipality of Sanikiluaq

March 30, 2014

Update on Progress in New York and DVD Release of People of a Feather!

December 3, 2013

Just Announced! NYC Theatrical Release of People of a Feather opening Nov 8th, 2013 at Quad Cinemas

September 15, 2013

Winter Update: Beluga and Orca entrapments conincide with reduced salinity and record hydroelectric demands

March 25, 2013

Kakivak Association funds Northern School tour of People of a Feather

June 30, 2012

We are now a registered charity!

December 15, 2011

Ecological Change in the Hudson Bay Bioregion

July 1, 1998

Hudson Bay Programme Final Science Report

September 9, 1995

Climate Variability, Climatic Change, and Implications for the Future of the Hudson Bay Bioregion

September 1, 1994

The Estuaries of Hudson Bay A Case Study of the Physical and Biological Characteristic of Selected Sites

January 1, 1994

Sustainable Development in the Hudson Bay James Bay Bioregion

September 1, 1992

From volunteer ping to community map – The CHS’ Community Hydrography Program

August 15, 2024

EMRWB Wildlife Viewing Protocols

March 31, 2022

Bioaccumulation in the Marine Food Web of Hudson Bay, Canada

January 21, 2021

Call for Participation: Arctic Task Force for UNDOS

September 22, 2020

Role of River Runoff and Sea Ice Brine Rejection in Controlling Stratification Throughout Winter in Southeast Hudson Bay

March 9, 2020

The Hudson Bay Consortium East Hudson Bay/James Bay Regional Roundtable (Français)

September 15, 2019

2018 Annual Report: Support Program for Inuit Beneficiaries for their Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Activities

August 28, 2019

2017 Annual Report: Kativik Regional Government

July 31, 2018

The Hudson Bay Summit 2018 Report (English)

March 15, 2018

Rare earth elements in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems in the eastern Canadian Arctic

August 31, 2017

Interactions between rate processes with different time scales explain counterintuitive foraging patterns of arctic wintering eiders

June 14, 2017

Puasi Ippak on ice safety and Inuktitut sea ice terminology with SIKU

March 21, 2017

Arctic Eider Society’s SIKU project at top 10 finalist in the Impact Challenge in Canada!

March 6, 2017

Celebrating our 5th year as a registered charity!

October 15, 2016

2015 Annual Report: Support Program for Inuit Beneficiaries for their Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Activities

July 19, 2016

2014 Annual Report: Support Program for Inuit Beneficiaries for their Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping Activities

September 17, 2015

A Successful Start to New Programs in Chisasibi

February 6, 2015

Support our expansion to four new Arctic communities!

November 26, 2014

Back to work in the Canadian Arctic: winter 2014 research update

March 25, 2014

Across the finish line on our #BreakTheIce Campaign!!

October 28, 2013

Arctic Eider Society nominated for the Arctic Inspiration Prize by ITK (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami), Canada’s national Inuit organization.

September 3, 2013

Our annual newsletter has been released

November 30, 2012

Funding provided by the Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution

April 20, 2012

On Thin Ice: An Overview of the Governance of Hudson Bay

January 1, 2011

Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Environmental Changes in Hudson and James Bay – Part 1

October 1, 1995

The Hudson Bay Programme Final Report of Phase 1

June 1, 1995

Native Land Use, Traditional Knowledge and the Subsistence Economy in the Hudson Bay Bioregion

January 1, 1994

Health Effects of Development in the Hudson Bay James Bay Region

September 1, 1993


April 16, 2024

Freshwater and nutrient distributions in contrasting coastal domains of Hudson Bay and James Bay

February 2, 2022

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January 21, 2021

Does a global pandemic signal the need for adjusted approaches to Arctic research?

June 9, 2020

SIKU : un nouveau réseau social développé pour et par les Inuit canadiens

December 12, 2019

The Hudson Bay Consortium East Hudson Bay/James Bay Regional Roundtable (Inuktitut)

September 15, 2019

SIKU: Mixing high-tech with ancient know-how

January 31, 2019

The Hudson Bay Summit 2018 Report (Inuktitut)

March 15, 2018

Awards for three AES partners at Arctic Change 2017

December 22, 2017

2016 Annual Report: Kativik Regional Government

July 31, 2017

Arctic Eider Society’s SIKU project selected as a winner of the Impact Challenge!

March 30, 2017

Hear from Josie how SIKU supports Community-Driven Research by Inuit, for Inuit.

March 14, 2017

Inaugural East Hudson Bay James Bay Regional Roundtable Chisasibi 2016 Report

November 9, 2016

SEA~AES does the Walrus Talks Arctic at the Canadian Museum of Nature

September 30, 2016

A Timeline of Environmental Stewardship Efforts for the greater Hudson Bay Marine Region: Background of the Hudson Bay Consortium Initiative

April 26, 2016

2014 Annual Report: Kativik Regional Government

July 31, 2015

Results and Progress from Arctic Change 2014 in Ottawa!

December 16, 2014

Arctic Eider Society Executive Director named 2014-15 Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Chair in Arctic Studies

September 25, 2014

Walking the Red Carpet at the Canadian Screen Awards!

March 9, 2014

Live from New York!

October 23, 2013

The Hudson Bay Complex in Flux: Contemplating the future of the world’s largest seasonally ice-covered inland sea

May 20, 2013

Educational Version of People of a Feather Released

September 21, 2012

Inuit to travel to Montreal for International Polar Year Conference!

April 10, 2012

A Life Vest for Hudson Bay’s Drifting Stewardship

March 5, 2008

Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Environmental Changes in Hudson and James Bays Part II

October 1, 1995

A TEKMS Overview for Assessment of Cumulative Impacts in Hudson Bay

February 1, 1995

Human Impacts on the Hudson Bay Bioregion, its present state and future environmental concerns

January 1, 1994

Towards the Assessment of Cumulative Impacts in Hudson Bay

May 19, 1993